Lambasting the BJP in the strictest of terms after PM Modi gave a long interview to news agency ANI, Congress spokesperson, Randeep Surjewala said the PM was all about I, me, mine and myself.
Referring to the interview that claimed to set the tone for 2019 elections, he said it was “khoda pahad, nikli chuhiya ” terming it a monologue of Modi.
Speaking minutes after Modi gave his first interview in 2019, Surjewala said, “Modi’s lies have destroyed India’s societal fabric trampling upon constitutional bodies.” “Instead of expressing regret Modi has only peddled lies. The nation suffers as Modiji dithers,” he said.
Questioning Modi on promises and terming the interview a parody, Surjewala questioned Modi on the promises he had made in 2014. Rainsing 10 separate issues, he said the powers that be must speak up on – demonetisation, GST, bank frauds, black money, Rs 15 lakh in every account, Rafale corruption, price rise, national security imperiled, farm distress and acche din.
“The first interview of 2019 has put entire future in perspective. Only 100 days left for Modiji to bid goodbye,” said Surjewala.
Calling it a “fixed interview”, senior Congress leader Anand Sharma tweeted: “PM Modi did not spare our people of his penchant for false promises, hollow claims and propaganda even on the New Year day. The habitual peddler of untruths and lies has signalled a nasty narrative for the 2019 election campaign.”
The much talked about Modi interview covered issues like demands for a Ram temple in Ayodhya, Urjit Patel’s resignation as RBI governor, demonetisation, mob killings, the BJP’s defeat in three Hindi heartland states and its prospects in the coming national elections.
Training guns at the grand old party the PM accused Congress leadership of delaying the legal process in clearance of Ram temple construction and politicising the 2016 surgical strikes.