In a day from now in the state capital of Uttar Pradesh starts the three day “Awadh Rang Mahotsav” at the Uttar Pradesh Urdu Academy from 27 to 29 January 2020 under the joint aegis of Artist Association Uttar Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh Urdu Academy. During the three day event, many programs of art, culture and literature will be organized.
Part of this arts extravaganza will be noted arts curator, Bhupendra. K. Asthana who will be showcasing his work to a broader audience. The exhibition based on his works will be open for the average arts connoisseur to come and enjoy.
A student of Arts, Bhupendra Kumar Asthana has received art education from Lucknow Arts and Crafts College and is also a Faculty of Fine Arts, Lucknow University. An active artist in arts for the last 10 years, he has taken keen interest in painting, writing and organizing art exhibitions.
Apart from Uttar Pradesh, exhibitions of his paintings have also been held in states like Rajasthan, Kolkata, Goa, Delhi, Hyderabad, Jharkhand, Haryana. He has also been awarded by Uttar Pradesh State Lalit Kala Academy in 2011. He has the distinction of having a scholarship in art composition and documentation by Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi.
For the first time in recent years, this years Awadh Rang Mahotsava will see the Urdu Akademi be an active participant in the event. The event will see the colours of Awadhi arts and craft being widely showcased. Arts lovers will not only get to cherish art creations, but they will also get to soak in creative vibes by participating in wide ranging competitions. Cultural debates will also discuss the changing landscape of art in the country and the state in specific. Only recently the General Secretary of the Artist Association, Alok Srivastava had been quoted sharing the finer plan of the event.
Apart from arts, musical evenings will mesmerize audiences with niche disciplines like Ghazal, Bhajan, classical and Awadhi songs. Dance performances by local and national talents will add to the myriad colours of the event.
The showpiece event of the Awadh Rang Mahotsava cultural evenings will be a performance by noted flautist Deependra Kunwar. Danseuse Akanksha Srivastava and a talk on the transgender legacy of Awadh will be other attractions. Classical expert, Pt Dharmnath Mishra will cast a spell with his mellifluous voice.
The festival will pay rich tributes to thespians of their craft like Sarangi maestro Pt. Vinod Mishra, then further focus will be on classical singing and exchanges on cultural happenings. Young children will get to show their talent in singing, dance, essay writing and drawing. The winners will be rewarded with trophies and mementos. So fasten your seatbelts as Awadh braces itself for a powerpacked three day extravaganza.